We've got a great set of invited speakers: R. Srikant, Ricky Vohra, and Eva Tardos.
So start thinking about what you want to submit -- you've only got about 3 months.
******************************************************************* Call For Papers: NetEcon 2015: The 10th Workshop on the Economics of Networks, Systems and Computation At FCRC 2015, in conjunction with ACM EC and ACM SIGMETRICS Monday, June 15, 2015 (Portland, Oregon, USA) http://netecon.eurecom.fr/NetEcon2015/ ******************************************************************* INVITED SPEAKERS * *R. Srikant*, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign * *Rakesh V. Vohra*, University of Pennsylvania * *Eva Tardos*, Cornell University ******************************************************************* CALL FOR PAPERS Today's communication networks and networked systems are highly complex and heterogeneous, and are often owned by multiple profit-making entities. For new technologies or infrastructure designs to be adopted, they must not be only based on sound engineering performance considerations but also present the right economic incentives. Recent changes in regulations of the telecommunication industry make such economic considerations even more urgent. For instance, concerns such as network neutrality have a significant impact on the evolution of communication networks. At the same time, communication networks and networked systems support increasing economic activity based on applications and services such as cloud computing, social networks, and peer-to-peer networks. These applications pose new challenges such as the development of good pricing and incentive mechanisms to promote effective system-wide behavior. In relation to these applications, security and privacy also require consideration of economic aspects to be fully understood. The aim of NetEcon is to foster discussions on the application of economic and game-theoretic models and principles to address challenges in the development of networks and network-based applications and services. NetEcon was established in 2006 (succeeding to the P2PECON, IBC and PINS workshops) and merged with the W-PIN workshop in 2013. We invite submission of extended abstracts describing original research on theoretical/methodological contributions or on applications to cases of interest. It is our hope that NetEcon will serve as a feeder workshop, i.e., that expanded, polished versions of extended abstracts will appear later in major conference proceedings and refereed journals of relevant research communities. Topics of interest include (but are not limited to): * Pricing of resources in communication networks, grids, and cloud computing * Pricing of information goods and services; copyright issues, effect of network externalities (e.g., in social network) * Economic issues in universal broadband access; economics of interconnection and peering * Effects of market structure and regulations (e.g., network neutrality) * Economics of network security and privacy; valuation of personal data * Auctions with applications to networks: spectrum auctions, auction-based marketplaces for network and cloud resources * Incentive mechanisms for networks: peer-to-peer systems, clouds, wireless networks, spam prevention, security * Methods for engineering incentives and disincentives (e.g., reputation, trust, control, accountability, anonymity) * Empirical studies of strategic behavior (or the lack thereof) in existing, deployed systems * Design of incentive-aware network architectures and protocols * Game-theoretic models and techniques for network economics: large games, learning, mechanism design, interaction of game theory and information theory or queuing theory, information exchange, diffusion, dynamics of cooperation and network formation, trades in social and economic networks * Algorithmic mechanism design for network systems * Critiques of existing models and solution concepts, as well as proposals of better models and solution concepts * Studies of open collaboration, peer production, crowdsourcing, and human computation. ******************************************************************* SUBMISSION FORMATTING GUIDELINES AND PROCEEDINGS Submissions must be in the form of extended abstracts of 3-4 pages, including all figures, tables, references, appendices, etc. They must be formatted according to the standard alternate ACM PER double column format using letter paper. You are encouraged to use the ACM sig-alternate-per latex template (http://www.sigmetrics.org/sig-alternate-per.cls). Accepted extended abstracts will be published in a special issue of ACM Performance Evaluation Review (PER) and will be available online through ACM portal digital library. Authors of accepted abstracts grant ACM permission to publish them in print and digital formats. Note that authors retain the copyright of their work published in ACM PER, with freedom to submit it elsewhere. Yet, authors for whom publication of a 3-4 pages extended abstract in the NetEcon 2015 proceedings would preclude later publication of an expanded version in the relevant venue may elect to contribute only a one-page abstract of their submitted extended abstract to the NetEcon 2015 proceedings. Such an abstract should include the URL of a working paper or preprint that contains the main results presented at the NetEcon workshop. Authors will make this decision after receiving a notice of acceptance. If the number of excellent submissions is larger than we have space to allot presentations for, some authors will be offered the opportunity to present their work during a poster session. ******************************************************************* COMMITTES PC CHAIRS Patrick Loiseau (EURECOM, France) Aaron Roth (UPenn, USA) Adam Wierman (Caltech, USA) WEBMASTER Michela Chessa (EURECOM, France) TECHNICAL PROGRAM COMMITTEE Matthew Andrews (Alcatel-Lucent Bell Labs, USA) Itai Ashlagi (MIT, USA) Moshe Babaioff (Microsoft Research, Israel) Tamer Başar (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, USA) Bobby Bhattarcharjee (University of Maryland, USA) Rainer Böhme (WWU Münster, Germany) Kostas Bimpikis (Stanford University, USA) Eilyan Bitar (Cornell University, USA) Augustin Chaintreau (Columbia University, USA) Michela Chessa (EURECOM, France) kc claffy (CAIDA / UC San Diego, USA) Costas Courcoubetis (SUTD, Singapore and AUEB, Greece) Amogh Dhamdhere (CAIDA / UC San Diego, USA) Constantine Dovrolis (GeorgiaTech, USA) Rachid Elazouzi (University of Avignon, France) Sergey Gorinsky (Institute IMDEA Networks, Spain) Jens Grossklags (The Pennsylvania State University, USA) Roch Guerin (Washington University in St. Louis, USA) Nidhi Hegde (Alcatel-Lucent Bell Labs, France) Ekram Hossain (University of Manitoba, Canada) Stratis Ioannidis (Yahoo! labs, USA) Krisnamurthy Iyer (Cornell University, USA) Rahul Jain (USC, USA) Ian Kash (Microsoft Research, UK) David Kempe (USC, USA) Peter Key (Microsoft Research, UK) Nikolaos Laoutaris (Telefonica Research, Spain) Dave Levin (University of Maryland, USA) Patrick Loiseau (EURECOM, France) -- co-chair Brendan Lucier (Microsoft Research, USA) John C. S. Lui (The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong) Patrick Maillé (Institut Mines-Telecom / Telecom Bretagne, France) Jason Marden (University of Colorado, Boulder, USA) Ravi Mazumdar (University of Waterloo, Canada) Jeonghoon Mo (Yonsei University, South Korea) John Musacchio (UC Santa Cruz, USA) Andrew Odlyzko (University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA) Aaron Roth (UPenn, USA) -- co-chair Galina Schwartz (UC Berkeley, USA) Paul G. Spirakis (University of Liverpool, UK and CTI, Greece) Nicolás Stier Moses (Facebook Data Science, USA) Vijay Subramanian (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA) John N. Tsitsiklis (MIT, USA) Bruno Tuffin (Inria, France) Adrian Vetta (McGill University, Canada) Steven Weber (Drexel University, USA) Adam Wierman (Caltech, USA) -- co-chair ******************************************************************* IMPORTANT DATES * Wednesday April 22, 2015, 11:59pm PST: Submission deadline (firm) * Wednesday May 13, 2015: Notification to authors * Monday June 8, 2015: Final version for the workshop's website due * Monday June 15, 2015: Workshop in Portland * Monday July 13, 2015: Final version for the ACM PER proceedings due ******************************************************************* ADDITIONAL INFORMATION For more information, please contact the organizers or visit the workshop website: http://netecon.eurecom.fr/NetEcon2015/.